Best Selling
Bubble And Squeak
Served with a slice of ham and a poached egg
Buddha Warrior - Large
Also suitable for use with reptiles. 11cm x 10cm x 20cm
BUGCLEAR TM Ultra Vine Weavel Killer 480ml
BugClear™ Ultra Vine Weevil Killer is a systemic and contact insecticide for the control of Vine Weevil in pots and hanging baskets. A systemic and contact insecticide for the control of vine weevil in pots and hanging baskets. Kills vine weevils and their larvae. Works from within the plant to prevent root damage. Also kills whitefly, greenfly, blackfly, scale insects and mealy bugs. Ideal for flowers,...
BUGCLEAR Ultra Spray 800ml
BugClear Fruit & Veg Ultra contains a plant based active ingredient. Ideal for ornamental plants, fruit and vegetables. Kills larvae and adult aphids (greenfly and blackfly), spider mites and whiteflies. Effects are visible within 1 day. Suitable for use in organic gardening. Protects flowers, fruit and veg against pests. Controls aphids and their larvae, scale insects, red spider mites and more. Ideal...
BUGCLEAR™ Ultra 2 200ml
BugClear Ultra 2 is an insecticide that is effective against a range of common and tough bugs, including greenfly, blackfly, whitefly, and other aphids, scale insects and mealy bugs, and gives a useful level of control of thrips. Suitable for use in organic gardening. Controls aphids, lily beetles and other pests. Fast action, effects seen within 1 day. Ideal for flowers, roses, ornamental plants and...