Clematis 'Early Sensation' 2L
An evergreen Clematis with attractive, finely cut foliage. Produces 5-7.5cm white flowers with a trace of lemon-yellow from March to May. Yellow, sometimes purple anthers. A prolific bloomer. Height - 2-3m (7-10ft). Requires a fertile, moisture-retentive, but well-drained soil. Prefers to be grown in a sunny, protected position. Pruning Group 1 - If necessary, Lightly Prune after flowering to keep...
Clematis 'Little Mermaid' 17cm
A NEW variety with medium-sized, salmon-pink flowers with a mauve bar at the base. Usually semi-double, flowering from May to June and again from August to September. Suitable for any aspect. Height - 2m+ (6ft+). Requires a fertile, moisture-retentive, but well-drained soil. Can be grown in any aspect. Pruning Group 2 - Prune lightly to healthy buds in February - To encourage a Second flush Prune...
Clematis armandii 2L
A vigorous evergreen climber with saucer-shaped, SCENTED white flowers, with cream anthers from late March to April. Height - 7.5m (20 ft). Best grown against a wall. Prefers a sunny sheltered site in well-drained soil with protection against cold winds.
Clematis armandii 'Snowdrift' 2L
A vigorous evergreen climber. The foliage is bronze-tinted at first, then changes to dark green. The saucer-shaped, SCENTED white flowers maybe tinged green or pink from late March to April. Height - 5-7.5m (15-20 ft). Best grown against a wall. Prefers a sunny sheltered site in well-drained soil with protection against cold winds.
Clematis x cartmanii 'Joe' 2L
An evergreen Clematis with attractive, finely cut foliage. Produces 2-5cm white flowers in April. Prefers a sunny, sheltered position. Height - 1.5-2m (5-7ft). Requires a fertile, moisture-retentive, but well-drained soil. Prefers to be grown in a sunny, protected position. Pruning Group 1 - If necessary, Lightly Prune after flowering to keep tidy.
Clematis alpina 'Blue Tapers' ('Cyanea') 17cm
A deciduous Climber. A.k.a. 'Cyanea'. Nodding, bell-shaped, blue flowers from April to May. Height - 2.4-4m (8-13ft). Requires a fertile, moisture-retentive, but well-drained soil. Can be grown in any aspect. Pruning Group 1 - If necessary, Lightly Prune after flowering to keep tidy.
Clematis armandii 'Apple Blossom' 2L
A vigorous evergreen climber with saucer-shaped, SCENTED very pale pink flowers, with cream anthers from late March to April. Height - 3-5m (10-15 ft). Best grown against a wall. Prefers a sunny sheltered site in well-drained soil with protection against cold winds.
Clematis macropetala 'Purple Spider' 17cm
A deciduous Climber. Nodding, double, bell-shaped, deep purple flowers in April & May. Height - 2-4m. (7-14ft). Requires a fertile, moisture-retentive, but well-drained soil. Can be grown in any aspect. Pruning Group 1 - If necessary, Lightly Prune after flowering to keep tidy.