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BETTA Underlay 2m WIDE (PRM)
BETTA Underlay 2m WIDE (PRM)
This underlay is 2 metres wide and is cut to your required length (per running metre) for your ideal pond.

Betula utilis 'Snow Queen'   12L
Betula utilis 'Snow Queen' 12L
A form of ‘Himalayan Birch’. A small to medium-sized tree. This deciduous tree is one of the best white-barked Birchs. A 'snowy' colour at an early age. The pale-green leaves have yellow Autumn colour. Will grow in most well-drained soils in sun or partial shade.
Betula utilis var. jacquemontii 'Silver Shadow'   12LBetula utilis var. jacquemontii 'Silver Shadow'   12L
Betula utilis var. jacquemontii 'Silver Shadow' 12L
One of the loveliest birch available with dazzling white stems and large drooping dark green leaves. The peeling white bark is highlighted with silvery-grey hue. The long, yellow catkins add an extra interest throughout the spring when they appear alongside the fresh foliage. A hardy variety which brings all year round interest! They will succeed on most soils in a full sun position. Height and Spread...

Blackberry (Rubus) 'Navaho Summerlong®'   3L
Blackberry (Rubus) 'Navaho Summerlong®' 3L
A mid-season floricane Blackberry of very high quality. Thornless and upright growing. Fruits are large, firm, sweet and juicy. Delicious if eaten fresh or used in jams and pies. Very easy to grow. Happier planted in a sunny, sheltered site but they can tolerate light shade. Prefer moisture-retentive but well-drained soil. Blackberries are vigorous and need regular pruning. Tie in the shoots of newly-planted...
Blackberry (Rubus) 'Oregon Thornless'   3L
Blackberry (Rubus) 'Oregon Thornless' 3L
This variety has handsome foliage, providing large fruit of very good flavour. Ripens in large clusters to give a very heavy, attractive crop. Plant 2.4 m (8 ft) apart. Grows well in sun or shade in moist, fertile, well-drained soil. Crops from September into October.

Blackcurrant (Ribes) 'Ben Connan®'   3L
Blackcurrant (Ribes) 'Ben Connan®' 3L
A variety superb for growing in the garden with very large, high quality fruits. The fruit ripens early with extremely heavy crops, & the fruit has an excellent flavour. Easy to pick and grow with its good compact habit. Highly recommended. Sun or light shade in moist, fertile, well-drained soil. Space 1.5m (5 ft) between the plants. Picking time - Early July.
Blackcurrant (Ribes) 'Ben Sarek®'   3L
Blackcurrant (Ribes) 'Ben Sarek®' 3L
A new, compact variety - perfect for garden culture. It flowers at the same time as ‘Baldwin’ but is more tolerant of frost and cold. The high quality berries are very large & are borne in abundance which have an excellent flavour. Height - 90cm (3ft). Grows well in sun or light shade in moist, fertile, well- drained soil. Fruiting time - Mid-July.

Blueberry (Vaccinium) 'Northland'   3L
Blueberry (Vaccinium) 'Northland' 3L
'Blueberry'. Early - Mid Season A spreading habit, extremely productive. Medium size and very sweet. Partially self fertile. Height & Spread - 1.5 m (5ft). Prefers moist but well-drained acid soil.

Blueberry (Vaccinium) 'Sunshine Blue'  3L
Blueberry (Vaccinium) 'Sunshine Blue' 3L
'Blueberry'. This NEW-type of Blueberry has many excellent qualities. A dense, rounded, semi dwarf semi-evergreen form only 3-4 feet high and wide making it a great choice for containers. Perfect for tub growing on patios, highly ornamental, with shocking pink flowers. Highly recommended. Prefers moist but well-drained acid soil in sun or partial shade.


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