Mahonia japonica 3L
An erect shrub with dark green leaves, sharply toothed. FRAGRANT pale yellow flowers late autumn to early spring followed by purple-blue berries. Height 2m. Spread 3m. Flower colour Yellow. Flowers from November to March. Will grow in most well-drained soils.
Myrtus communis 'Variegata' 3L
Form of ‘myrtle’. A lovely evergreen species whose green leaves have a conspicuous creamy-yellow margin which can tinge pink when young and during the Winter. Has fragrant creamy-white flowers in late Summer and Autumn which is followed by small red and black fruits. Best in a sunny position and well-drained soil. Height - 1.8 m (6 ft).
Nandina domestica 'Blush Pink' 3L
'Heavenly Bamboo'. Evergreen, compact, bamboo-like shrub with an upright habit. Long lasting blush pink colored young foliage in contrast to the typical lime-green colored young foliage. Height - 60cm (2ft). Spread - 45-60cm (1.5-2ft). Prefers a sunny, sheltered site in moist. acid to neutral, well-drained soil.
Photinia 'Little Red Robin' 1L
A compact form. A dwarf evergreen shrub with dark green leaves, bright red when young. The small white flowers from April to May are sometimes followed by bright red fruit from August. Height & Spread- 1m (39in). Will grow in most soils in sun or partial shade.
Prostranthera cuneata 1L
A form of ‘Mint bush’. A dwarf shrub of spreading habit with small dark, glossy green evergreen leaves. The flowers are white flushed lilac, marked with purple inside, borne in May. Prefers a warm sheltered position in fertile, well-drained soil. Height & Spread - 60 cm (2 ft). 3L
Prunus incisa 'Lotte' 2L
'Flowering Cherry'. A dainty, slow-growing, early-flowering white/pink form, covered in flowers in April. The small, mid-green foliage is serrated and develops beautiful tints in the Autumn. Ideal for planting in a container. Height & Spread - 1m+ (3ft+). Prefers well-drained soil in a light or sunny position.
Prunus incisa 'Paean' 2L
'Flowering Cherry'. Has a shrubby, compact habit with dark green leaves which are bronze when young. Produces pink flowers in abundance in March and April. Small incisely toothed leaves, beautifully tinted in Autumn. Ideal for planting in a container. Height & Spread - 1.2m (4ft). Prefers well-drained soil in a light or sunny position.
Prunus lusitanica 'Angustifolia' 1L
A form of 'Portugal Laurel'.
Prunus lusitanica 'Angustifolia' 3L
A form of 'Portugal Laurel'.
Sambucus 'Cherry Lace' 2L
An outstanding NEW variety of this popular species. Has very dark, almost black, deeply cut leaves. Displays contrasting pink, lemon scented flowers in early Summer. Can be pruned to size if required. Will grow in full sun or partial shade in most well-drained soils. Height & Spread - 1.8-2.4 m (6-8 ft).
Spartium junceum 3L
Known as the ‘Spanish broom’. A strong growing shrub of loose habit, with erect green, rush-like stems. The comparatively large, fragrant, yellow pea flowers are borne in loose terminal racemes throughout Summer and early Autumn. Full sun and well-drained soil. Height - 2.4m+ (8 ft+). Hint - Can be hard pruned in March but not into old wood.
Spiraea japonica 'Golden Jack' 2L
A dense deciduous shrub with bronze-red young leaves later bright yellow, turning red in autumn. Clusters of bright purplish pink flowers from July to August. Height & Spread - 60-90cm (2-3ft). Prefers well-drained soil in sun or partial shade.
Syringa vulgaris 'Madame Lemoine' (d) 5L
A double flowered ‘lilac’. A deciduous, upright then spreading shrub. The large, fragrant, tubular, double, white flowers are borne in dense, conical panicles, from creamy buds, in late Spring or early Summer. The leaves are heart-shaped and mid-green in colour. Grow in well-drained, moderately fertile, soil in sun. Height & Spread - 2.4 x 1.8 m (8 x 6 ft).
Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Kilmanjaro' 3L
Produces lots of pure white flowers in attractive clusters from early summer, followed by pink-red berries in late summer to early autumn. Prefers dappled or partial shade in well-drained soil.
Viburnum x bodnantense 'Dawn' 5L
An upright deciduous shrub with dark green leaves, bronze when young. Fragrant, tubular rose tinted dark pink flowers, on bare stems from November to April. Height - 2.1m+ (7 ft+); Spread - 1.8m (6ft). Will grow in most well-drained soils in sun or partial shade.
Viburnum x burkwoodii 'Park Farm Hybrid' 3L
A compact, rounded shrub with glossy, dark green semi-evergreen leaves. Clusters of large fragrant, white flowers, deep-pink in bud, from April to May, followed by red fruit, ripening to black in autumn. Height & Spread - 1.5-1.8 m (5-6 ft). Will grow in most well-drained soils in sun or part-shade, prefering shelter from cold Winter winds.