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Gardenia jasminoides 'Kleim's Hardy'  3L
Gardenia jasminoides 'Kleim's Hardy' 3L
What a treat! This slow-growing evergreen shrub will withstand cold temperatures during the Winter. Ideal for growing in containers. It displays its very fragrant, single, creamy-white flowers over a very long period. Prefers a good well-drained compost in a sunny sheltered position.

Garrya elliptica 'James Roof'   3L
Garrya elliptica 'James Roof' 3L
An improved male form of the ‘Silk tassel bush’. An upright, evergreen shrub, grown mainly for its long silver-grey catkins which dangle from its branches in Winter and early Spring. Excellent for north or east facing walls; Protect from cold winds. Grow in well-drained, fertile soil in sun or partial shade. Height & Spread - 4m (12 ft).
Hebe 'Heartbreaker'   2L
Hebe 'Heartbreaker' 2L
A NEW variety with an upright habit. This evergreen shrub has variegated green and cream foliage. In Winter and Spring the leaves will turn deep red. Mauve flowers appear in Summer. An ideal shrub for pots, containers and borders. Trim lightly in Spring. Height & Spread - 40-50cm (16-20in). Prefers a sunny sheltered position in most well-drained soils.

Hebe 'Magic Summer'  17cm
Hebe 'Magic Summer' 17cm
A NEW variety with a spreading habit. This evergreen shrub has grey variegated foliage. In Winter and Spring the leaves will turn to purple-red. Blue flowers appear in June. An ideal shrub for pots, containers and borders. Trim lightly after flowering. Height - 60cm (24in); Spread - 80cm (36in). Prefers a sunny position in most well-drained soils.
Hebe 'Wild Romance'   17cm
Hebe 'Wild Romance' 17cm
A compact, spreading, evergreen shrub with slender luminous red, variegated leaves in Spring. The leaves turn a striking dark red in Autumn and Winter. Clusters of small blue flowers in Summer. Height - 60cm (24in). Spread - 80cm (30in). Will grow in a sheltered, sunny position with well-drained soil.

Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle'  5L
Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' 5L
A spectacular form with huge, rounded heads of white, sterile flowers up to 30 cm (12 in) across. Forms a small shrub of loose bushy habit with ovate, slender pointed, serrated leaves. The flowers are borne in succession from July to September. Grow in moist but well-drained, fertile soil in sun or partial shade. Height & Spread - 1.2 m (4 ft)

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Zorro' (L)   3L
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Zorro' (L) 3L
LACECAP. A stunning variety with a neat, compact growing habit. Unusual due to the black stems that contrast well against the lush green leaves and the blue lacecap flowers on acid soil, becoming purple on neutral to alkaline soil. Height - 1.5-1.8m (5-6 ft). Will grow in most well-drained soils in sun or partial shade.
Hydrangea paniculata 'Early Sensation'  3L
Hydrangea paniculata 'Early Sensation' 3L
A deciduous shrub. Glossy green foliage supports upright white flowers which tinge pink as they mature. An early blooming variety. Can be used for cut-flower arrangements. Grow in moist but well-drained, fertile soil, in sun or part-shade. Height & Spread - 1.8m (6 ft). Prune hard in Spring for larger flowers.

Hydrangea paniculata 'Hpopr013' (CANDLELIGHT)   3L
Hydrangea paniculata 'Hpopr013' (CANDLELIGHT) 3L
A deciduous shrub. Glossy green foliage. Striking, upright, creamy-white flowers on sturdy stalks from July to September onwards. The flower and new growth twigs are an attractive dark red. Can be used for cut-flower arrangements. Grow in moist but well-drained, fertile soil, in sun or part-shade. Height & Spread - 1.8m (6 ft). Prune hard in Spring for larger flowers.
Hydrangea paniculata 'Pinky Winky'   3L
Hydrangea paniculata 'Pinky Winky' 3L
An upright to spreading deciduous shrub producing two-toned flowers that emerge white but mature to dark pink , during August & September. Can be used for cut-flower arrangements for later in the year. Grow in moist but well-drained, fertile soil, in sun or part-shade. Height - 2.1m (7ft). Spread - 1.8m (6ft). Hard prune in Spring.

Hydrangea paniculata 'Sundae Fraise'   2L
Hydrangea paniculata 'Sundae Fraise' 2L
Exceptional for its smaller proportions. It grows well and has a very bushy, semi-upright, well balanced and low growth. The red brown stems bear perfect, medium sized panicles from July to September. The abundant green and white sterile flowers quickly turn pink from the end of July onwards. Height - 1.2m (4ft). Will grow in most well-drained soils in sun or partial shade. Prune Hard in Spring for...

Ilex aquifolium 'Aurea marginata' (F)   3L
Ilex aquifolium 'Aurea marginata' (F) 3L
Holly'. A Female form. Forms a large shrub or small bushy evergreen tree with shiny green leaves margined with yellow. Has an erect, pyramidal, densely-branched habit. Unusual purple stems. Height - 4-6m (13-20ft). Spread - 3.6-5m (12-16ft) unless pruned. Will form a good crop of berries if a male plant is nearby. Grow in well-drained soil in sun or partial shade.
Ilex aquifolium 'Bowland' 3L
Ilex aquifolium 'Bowland' 3L
A female variety. Neat, cream variegated leaves and a dense upright habit. Produces burgundy-red berries, provided there is a male holly nearby. Grow in well-drained soil in sun or partial shade. Height - 1.8-2.4m (6-8ft). Spread - 1.5-1.8m (5-6ft).

Ilex aquifolium 'Chris Whittle'   3L
Ilex aquifolium 'Chris Whittle' 3L
A NEW female variety. Dark green, spiny leaves. Produces orange berries in Autumn provided there is a male holly nearby. Grow in well-drained soil in sun or partial shade. Height - 2.4-3m (8-10ft). Spread - 1.5-1.8m (5-6ft).
Ilex aquifolium 'Handsworth New Silver' (F)   3L
Ilex aquifolium 'Handsworth New Silver' (F) 3L
A female variety. An attractive purple-stemmed evergreen clone, distinguished by its comparatively long leaves which are deep green mottled grey, with a broad, creamy-white margin. Very free fruiting if a male is nearby. Grow in well-drained, moist soil in sun or shade. Height & Spread - 1.8 m in 10 years (6 ft).

Ilex aquifolium 'J.C. van tol' (H)   3L
Ilex aquifolium 'J.C. van tol' (H) 3L
Hermaphrodite form. An evergreen purple stemmed shrub with puckered dark green leaves with abundant bright red berries from September through to Winter. Can also be used to pollinate female varieties of holly. Height - 1.8m (6ft). Will grow in most soils in sun or shade.
Ilex aquifolium 'Silver Milkmaid' (F)   3L
Ilex aquifolium 'Silver Milkmaid' (F) 3L
A female variety. An evergreen variegated holly bearing attractive bronzy young leaves that develop a bright creamy central splash on a bright green background. Dark red berries in Autumn, provided there is a male nearby. Will grow in most well-drained soils or situations, but prefers a sunny position. Height - 4m (13ft). Spread - 3m (10ft).

Ilex aquifolium 'Silver Queen' (F)   3L
Ilex aquifolium 'Silver Queen' (F) 3L
A male variety. Striking variegated, dense evergreen foliage. Upright habit. Relatively slow-growing. Ideal for pollinating female varieties. Will grow in most well-drained soils or situations, but prefers a sunny position. Height - 3m (10ft). Spread - 2.1m (7ft) in 10 years.
Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Prince'   3L
Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Prince' 3L
A male form of 'Blue Holly'. Glossy, evergreen, dark blue-green spiny-toothed leaf margins. Relatively slow growing making it suitable for the smaller garden. Produces small white flowers in late Spring. Ideal as a pollinator for female varieties. Will grow in most well-drained soils or situations, but prefers a sunny position. Height - 2.1-3m (7-10ft). Spread - 1.2-1.5m (4-5ft).

Kalmia latifolia 'Ostbo Red'   4L
Kalmia latifolia 'Ostbo Red' 4L
'Calico Bush'. Leaves are yellow-green to bronze when young, maturing to a glossy dark green. The sugar-pink flowers, which are an iridescent light red in bud, are individually exquisite. Height & Spread - 3m (10ft) in 10yrs. Prefers a moist but well-drained acid soil in full sun or partial shade.
Leucothoe 'Carinella'   2L
Leucothoe 'Carinella' 2L
A lovely evergreen, compact form with glossy green leaves, that open ruby-red in Spring and turn dark purple-red in Winter. Ideal for containers and low maintenance gardens. Grows best in moist but well-drained, acid soil, in sun, partial for full shade. Height & Spread - 60cm (2ft).

Leucothoe 'Lovita'   2L
Leucothoe 'Lovita' 2L
A.k.a. L. 'Zebonard'. An evergreen, low-growing ground covering leucothoe. Pretty deep red tinted young foliage, turning to deep green. Racemes of creamy white flowers from April to May. Grows best in moist but well-drained peaty soil, in partial for full shade. Height - 60cm (2ft). Spread - 1.2m (4ft).

Leucothoe 'Zeblid' (SCARLETTA)   2L
Leucothoe 'Zeblid' (SCARLETTA) 2L
An excellent compact, evergreen shrub with attractive long lasting, bright bronze-red shoots from early Spring. Large glossy mature leaves are tinged with deep plum-red shades in Winter. Small bunches of white flowers in Spring. Grows best in moist but well-drained, peaty soil, in part or full shade. Height & Spread - 45 cm (18 in).
Leucothoe axillaris 'Curly Red'   2LLeucothoe axillaris 'Curly Red'   2L
Leucothoe axillaris 'Curly Red' 2L
An excellent compact, evergreen shrub whose special curly leaves change to red in Autumn and then to red-purple in Winter. The foliage can be used in Christmas decorations. In Spring it produces red and pink shoots. Grows best in moist but well-drained, peaty soil, in partial or full shade. Height & Spread - 45-60 cm (18-24 in).

Leucothoe fontanesiana 'Rainbow'   2L
Leucothoe fontanesiana 'Rainbow' 2L
A graceful, arching, evergreen shrub with striking variegated foliage. Small white urn-shaped flowers in Spring, which are followed by attractive new growth in shades of wine, pink, cream and green. As the new leaf growth matures it turns to a dark green with mottled ivory markings. Height & Spread 90-120cm (3-4ft). Grows best in moist but well-drained, acid soil, in partial or full shade.

Myrtus communis  3L
Myrtus communis 3L
‘Common Myrtle’. An evergreen, bushy shrub. Has aromatic dark green, glossy leaves. Fragrant, saucer-shaped, white flowers, are borne from mid-Spring to early Summer followed by purple-black berries. Can be pruned to shape. Best in well-drained soil in a sunny, sheltered position. H3. Height & Spread - 1.8-2.4 m(6-8 ft).
Nandina domestica 'Blush Pink'   2LNandina domestica 'Blush Pink'   2L
Nandina domestica 'Blush Pink' 2L
'Heavenly Bamboo'. Evergreen, compact, bamboo-like shrub with an upright habit. Long lasting blush pink colored young foliage in contrast to the typical lime-green colored young foliage. Height - 60cm (2ft). Spread - 45-60cm (1.5-2ft). Prefers a sunny, sheltered site in moist. acid to neutral, well-drained soil.

Nandina domestica 'Fire Power'   2L
Nandina domestica 'Fire Power' 2L
A dwarf evergreen shrub grown mainly for its foliage which is brightly coloured in Spring and Autumn, and changes to orange-red in Winter. Large clusters of white flowers are borne in midsummer. Prefers a sunny, sheltered site in moist but well-drained soil. H3. Height & Spread - 1.2 x 0.6 m (4 x 2 ft).
Nandina domestica 'Firepower'  3L
Nandina domestica 'Firepower' 3L
A dwarf evergreen shrub grown mainly for its foliage which is brightly coloured in Spring and Autumn, and changes to orange-red in Winter. Large clusters of white flowers are borne in midsummer. Prefers a sunny, sheltered site in moist but well-drained soil. H3. Height & Spread - 1.2 x 0.6 m (4 x 2 ft).

Nandina domestica 'Obsessed'   2LNandina domestica 'Obsessed'   2L
Nandina domestica 'Obsessed' 2L
A.k.a. N.d. 'Seika'. 'Heavenly Bamboo'. A bamboo-like, slow-growing, compact, evergreen shrub, which provides interest throughout the year. The new foliage emerges deep red in Spring, maturing to a rich green. Occasionally produces conical, white flower spikes in May. Prefers a sunny or partially shaded site in moist. acid to neutral, well-drained soil. Height & Spread - 75cm. (30in).

Osmanthus delavayi  3L
Osmanthus delavayi 3L
One of China's gems! A very beautiful, slow-growing, small-leaved evergreen species, which bears its fragrant, white, jasmine-like flowers profusely in April. Grow in well-drained, moderately fertile soil in sun or partial shade. Height and Spread - 1.2-1.5m (4-5ft).
Osmanthus x burkwoodii  3L
Osmanthus x burkwoodii 3L
A rounded evergreen shrub with glossy, dark green leaves and clusters of very fragrant tubular white flowers from April to May. Grow in well-drained, moderately fertile soil in sun or part-shade. Height & Spread - 1.8-2.4 m (6-8 ft).

Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Blue Spire'   2L
Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Blue Spire' 2L
An upright deciduous shrub with deeply cut silver-grey leaves and spikes of violet-blue flowers from August to September. Height - 1.2m (4ft); Spread - 90 cm (3ft). Prefers a position in sun or partial shade in well-drained soil.
Photinia 'Little Red Robin'   2L
Photinia 'Little Red Robin' 2L
A compact form. A dwarf evergreen shrub with dark green leaves, bright red when young. The small white flowers from April to May are sometimes followed by bright red fruit from August. Height & Spread- 1m (39in). Will grow in most soils in sun or partial shade.

Photinia x fraseri 'Louise'   2L
Photinia x fraseri 'Louise' 2L
A lovely colour varieaion with stunning young shoots that are variegated with pink and red. Leaves turning to a green and cream variegation through maturity. Its neat growing habit makes it easy to maintain. Will grow in most soils in full sun or light dappled shade. Height - 2.4m+ (8ft+). Spread - 1.2m (4ft).
Physocarpus opulifolius 'Darts Gold'  3L
Physocarpus opulifolius 'Darts Gold' 3L
A form of ‘Nine bark’. A rounded and thicket forming, deciduous shrub valued for its three-lobed leaves which are a spectacular golden-yellow when young. Dense clusters of white or pale pink flowers appear in Spring. Lightens up a border. Grow in moist but well-drained soil in sun or partial shade. Height & Spread - 1.8 m (6 ft).

Pieris 'Flaming Silver'   3L
Pieris 'Flaming Silver' 3L
An evergreen shrub with bright red leaves when young, which turn pink and then green, with a conspicuous creamy white edge. Clusters of white flowers from February to April. Height & Spread - 1.8-2.1m (6-7ft). Shelter from cold drying winds in sun or partial shade in acid soil or soil incorporated with peat.
Pieris japonica 'Katsura'   2L
Pieris japonica 'Katsura' 2L
A dome-shaped, evergreen shrub with red leaves in spring that turn a lustrous, dark green. It flowers freely; producing arching racemes of rose-coloured, bell-shaped flowers in Spring. Prefers a position in sun or partial shade in moist but well-drained, peaty soil. Height & Spread - 1.2m (4ft).

Pittosporum 'Arundel Green'   3L
Pittosporum 'Arundel Green' 3L
Forms a rounded, evergreen shrub, with oval, wavy, bright green leaves on dark red-stemmed shoots. Mature female plants produce deep red scented flowers from April to May. Ideal for the smaller garden. Height - 2m (6ft). Spread - 1.2m (4ft). Plant in full sun or partial shade, in a moist, well drained soil.
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Abbotsbury Gold' (F)  3L
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Abbotsbury Gold' (F) 3L
A compact, bushy, evergreen shrub or small tree bearing rounded to elliptic, wavy-margined, yellow leaves with irregular green margins and, sparingly, small, fragrant, bell-shaped, black-red flowers in late spring and early summer, followed by black capsules. Grows to 1.5m x1.2m in 10 years. Prefers a sunny position, sheltered from cold winds in well-drained soils.
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