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Raspberry 'Tulameen'   Pack of 5 Root Wrapped
Raspberry 'Tulameen' Pack of 5 Root Wrapped
LATE SUMMER. This variety produces high yields of exceptionally large, firm fruit of excellent quality. The canes are strong, upright, with just a few thorns. Grow in a sheltered spot in full sun or light shade in moist, fertile, well-drained soil. Space - 45 cm (18 in) between the plants. Picking time - Late July to mid-August. Prune hard in February 2025.
Redcurrant (Ribes) 'Junifer'   3L
Redcurrant (Ribes) 'Junifer' 3L
An upright and disease resistant variety with uniform red berries. Plant in a sheltered site, out of strong winds and frost. They do best in full sun, but will tolerate partial shade. Plant in any soil type, as long as it's well-drained. If you would like to eat the berries yourself, make sure you protect the bush from birds.

Redcurrant (Ribes) 'Rovada'   3L
Redcurrant (Ribes) 'Rovada' 3L
A reliable variety that is a popular all rounder. It is late flowering and is resistant to disease. High yields of very large fruit are on long trusses making them easy to pick. The flavour is good and juicy. Picking time - mid to late July. Height - 1-1.2m (3-4ft). Prefers well-drained soil in sun or partial shade.
Rhubarb (Rheum) 'Raspberry Red'  3L
Rhubarb (Rheum) 'Raspberry Red' 3L
'Rhubarb'. A mid season variety giving good yields of thick, raspberry-red sticks with a lovely flavour. Plant in partial shade in moist, fertile soil. Mulch each Autumn with well-rotted organic material. Do not remove stems for the first year.

Rhubarb (Rheum) 'Timperly Early'   3L
Rhubarb (Rheum) 'Timperly Early' 3L
Earliest for forcing. Excellent sharp tangy flavour. Produces huge flat bright green leaves and long stout bright green sticks for cropping from March to August. Plant in part shade in a moist and fertile soil. Height & Spread - 90cm (3ft). Remove flower spikes as they appear. Do not remove stems for the first year.
Rhubarb (Rheum) 'Victoria'   3L
Rhubarb (Rheum) 'Victoria' 3L
For forcing or late outdoor crops. A popular old variety with the most delicious flavour. Thick bright green, pink tinged sticks for cropping March to August. Plant in sun or partial shade, on moist but well-drained, humus-rich soils. Height & Spread - 60-90cm (2-3ft). Do not pull the stems for the first year and remove the flowering spikes as they appear.

Strawberry 'Albion'   8.5cm/9cm
Strawberry 'Albion' 8.5cm/9cm
An EVERBEARER. A most exciting NEW variety. The taste of Albion is exceptional. The fruit is post box red in colour and red throughout the berry when sliced. The skin and flesh are both very firm. Plant 30-45 cm (12-18 in) apart. Prefers a sunny site in moist but well-drained soil. Fruiting Time - from June until the first frosts.
Strawberry 'Cambridge Favourite'   8.5cm/9cm
Strawberry 'Cambridge Favourite' 8.5cm/9cm
A MID-SEASON variety. A favourite with many for many years. The reasonable sized berries have a traditional Strawberry 'flavour. Has good disease resistance. Plant 30-45 cm (12-18 in) apart. Prefers a sunny site in moist but well-drained, fertile soil. Fruiting time - Mid-June to mid-July.

Strawberry 'Fenella'   8.5cm/9cm
Strawberry 'Fenella' 8.5cm/9cm
A LATE variety. This dessert berry has a very good sweet flavour & juicy texture. The berries are blunt conic in shape with sunken seeds. Has a red/orange colour flesh. Upright growth habit. Good resistance to wilt and crown rot. Plant 30-45 cm (12-18 in) apart. Prefers a sunny site in moist but well-drained soil. Fruiting Time - Late June to Late July

Strawberry 'Honeoye'   8.5cm/9cm
Strawberry 'Honeoye' 8.5cm/9cm
An EARLY variety. The bright red fruits are medium-sized, very attractive and have an excellent flavour. Has melt-in-the-mouth flesh as well! Plant 30-45 cm (12-18 in) apart. Prefers a sunny site in moist but well-drained, fertile soil. Fruiting time - Crops from early to late June.

Strawberry 'Symphony'   9cm
Strawberry 'Symphony' 9cm
A LATE season variety. Has bright, glossy berries and well coloured flesh. The top quality fruit has a high percentage of Class 1 fruit. Strong growing plants. Plant 30-45 cm (12-18 in) apart. Prefers a sunny site in moist but well-drained, fertile soil. Fruiting time - Early to late July.

Tayberry (Rubus) 'Buckingham'   3L
Tayberry (Rubus) 'Buckingham' 3L
A Blackberry -Raspberry cross. Has been eagerly awaited for many years as it is a thorn -free version of the old favourite. The fruit is excellent for dessert and freezes well and the refreshing rich, aromatic flavour is superb. Space 2.4 m (8 ft) apart. Grow in sun or light shade in moist, fertile, well-drained soil. Picking time - Early July.

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Grapevine (Vitis) 'Suffolk Red Seedless' (Outdoor)(O/R/S) 3L
A NEW seedless variety that produces a large bunch of bright purplish-red eating grapes. A fruity, sweet flavour bursting with juice making them perfect for wine-making or juicing, and they can be eaten fresh from the vine. Good winter hardiness for all areas across the UK, even for Northern gardens. Has a natural climbing habit which makes it suitable for growing outside. After the bush has fruited,...

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Raspberry 'Allgold' (yellow) Pack of 5 Root Wrapped
A NEW yellow coloured Autumn fruiting primo cane similar in habit to Raspberry 'Autumn Bliss' but slightly sweeter. The plant is a primocane which means that it fruits on new wood every year. In some areas you will be able to harvest two crops from the same plant in one season. Grow in a sheltered spot in full sun or light shade in moist, fertile, well-drained soil. Space - 45 cm (18 in) between the...

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Raspberry 'Malling Juno' Pack of 5 Root Wrapped
Firm and deliciously sweet berries. Spine-free and crops from early to late June, excellent disease resistance. Deciduous. Back-fill with soil mixed with peat and a suitable fertiliser. These need to pruned to 5cm (2 in) in Spring 2025.

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